Monday, October 17, 2011


 The show with Lantern was awesome. Thanks to the 23 people that came out. If you haven't checked out Acid Dawgz yet, I'd suggest doing that right away, most likely at a show since they don't have any recordings...yet. New Wave, Post-Punk, madness! There's a video of them and us floating around that should be uploaded soon.

We're currently taking a month long break to write a new set--check us out at the Yucca Tap Room on December 2nd with Destruction Unit, and Gay Kiss. This is a solid show, solid lineup, and it's free.
New tape and VHS in the works--keep checking this.
Also, for the last bit of news, we've got a winter tour that we're planning with Acid Dawgz. Should be in late December/early January. If anyone can help us with any dates in California or Portland, get in touch with us!
-do what thou wilt-